Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Turkey Weekend

I'll have pictures of the paint bucket that I soaked my 18 pound turkey in later but I thought I would show a few pictures of the Thanksgiving weekend. I went to Chicago on Saturday and did the museum of science and industry and then the walnut room and then Santaland diaries (HILARIOUS BTW, my only compliant was that it was too short).

Yoda: Yes, I went to the star wars exhibit. My boyfriend is a fan. He ran down the battery on my camera taking tons of pictures that I didnt get a picture of the martha stewart tree in the Walnut room. But if you go there you'll see the Martha Stewart village before 400X larger around the tree!!

Ballerina: This is part of the animated window display at Macy's. The theme is the Nutcracker. I believe there are about 7 of these windows. They were lovely, But the windows will be covered in finger prints and snot by the end of the christmas season.

I also saw the large tree at the German Christmas market but it was closed before I got down there. They have these lovey horses and carriage $40 for a 20 minute ride (OH MY !) Some day.

Tips on the Walnut room: SERVICE was the worst I have ever had. The guys who delivered the food didn't know where the tables were. Our food sat next to our table for 5 minute while the guy looked for us. We saw our waiter 2 once to take our order and once when he brought our check. Not the experience I heard it once was. The wait wasn't that long and I sat right under the tree though!

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