Monday, January 7, 2008

I'll be home for Christmas

So in the interest of paper crafts I decided to do some projects that were significant to the family. I realize this is what a lot of scrap booking is about but, maybe I have mentioned that I don't scrapbook for various reasons. So I took a twist on this and have two projects that I have planned. One finished and one not started. The first is a winter house. I bought the paper mache house at micheal's and have embellished it with rickrack, paint, tinsel, and old paper. All the pictures are of my dad's parents and siblings. I tried to find some funny and charming pictures of the family. I'm not sure if I will add to the house later (maybe it just needs a bottlebrush tree out front ;) ) but I enjoy having it on display. I love the significance of the project.

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